Tuesday, February 24, 2015

CSM Endorsements

Hey guys! It is finally that time. Let's get out and vote.

Before I say anything else, I want to say I am floored, and humbled by the outpouring of support for my campaign. 

Here is a list of people who I have found so far that support me:


Thank you so much to every person who has tweeted at me, endorsed me, or even just said that I would be a good CSM. This has been a truly eye-opening experience however the chips ultimately fall.

All that said, here is who will be on my ballot (in no particular order):

Sugar Kyle - This is my easiest pick. Sugar is clearly the best person for the job. She has stood out as CSM 9's Trebor: someone who has proven themselves over time, and can make the CSM functional--and increasingly vital to CCP--as they change their styles of development. 

Even if she didn’t represent my views, I would endorse her. However she has been an excellent lowsec representative, and has filled the gap for faction warfare as needed. Both of these are close to my heart.

Steve Ronuken - For years I have looked for a champion of 3rd party tools to be on the CSM, and thankfully we have found it in Steve. He is smart, and contributes an unending tide of tools for us as EVE players. As far as I am concerned there are few better to have the ear of CCP developers.

Mike Azariah - I have had the fortune to talk to Mike quite a bit and he just has a way about him. He is confident, and represents a more realistic and holistic mindset. I love his pragmatism, and he has proven himself a strong member of the council. As far as I am concerned he can sit on it until he doesn’t want to anymore. 

Corbexx - Corbexx would probably be classified as “my representative” now that I live in a wormhole. He is the biggest reason why I have never claimed to be a wormhole candidate. He knows that space better than anyone else running. I just hope to support him to make life in the holes a bit better.

Chance - I believe that there is a culture shift in EVE, that is ultimately healthy for the game, and Chance represents that culture shift very well. He's flashy, charismatic, and will bring a fresh perspective. I hope that he comes with the understanding that while his ideas are good, the CSM is ultimately not a design team. If he gets that one down, he would be amazing to work with. If I don't get elected, I would want him to carry on my torch for exploration.

Psianh Auvyander - I really like Psianh because he shares the same optimistic vet mentality as I do. However, he comes from a different EVE walk of life. I think he would be great to collaborate with, will provide meaningful contributions, and sincerely look for the best for the game.

Bam Stroker - Lets just say this: Bam is cool. I recently interviewed him, and was delighted by his passion and his accomplishments. There is no one else in EVE that cares more about the community livelihood than him. As the EVE culture continues to grow and be adopted by meetups, festivals and cons, we need this kind of perspective on the council. 

So there you have it, elected or not, these are the people I would like to see serve. I would like to note this isn’t in a really defined order, and isn’t how I will be voting exactly, but everyone here will be on my ballot. 

Get out and vote!

1 comment:

  1. You may have missed one :) Ashterothi for CSM 10. https://splatus.wordpress.com/2015/02/04/csm-10/
